General Surgery

Whether you are looking for a higher salary, a move to a hospital better equipped with the tools to service your specialization or even a move away from patient care, Doctor Jobs Today has the job vacancy for you.

Featured Job Vacancies for Doctors

Doctor Jobs Today makes sure that you only see the most relevant jobs for medical doctors. We only accept posts from top employers to ensure that you find the right match for your career.

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Doctor Jobs Today is the first job portal in South East Asia dedicated to serving the job searching needs of healthcare professionals, only accepting jobs that are meaningful to doctors, nurses and other medical professionals. We have created a space for medical professionals, and employers seeking talent within the healthcare space can connect seamlessly without having to sift through non-relevant posts and candidates. You can learn more about us here.

Doctor jobs Today is currently present in the Philippines and Indonesia with more countries in South East Asia, such as Indonesia and Thailand on the way!

For Candidates

Doctor Jobs Today contains job posts for nurses, GPs, Specialists, midwives and other occupations within the healthcare industry that require medical training. To further refine your job searching experience, we strongly recommend filtering the jobs with the specialty that is most relevant to you.

Whenever an employer posts a job on Today their job is sent to our backend where an employee of Doctor Jobs Today manually reviews the posts to ensure that it meets our standard. We consider the employers authenticity, whether the job requires a candidate with medical training or not amongst other criteria.

Visit our Jobs List page to browse for jobs. Here you can search by keywords i.e. “Lab Technician” or “Medical Officer”, or you can use our pre-existing filters. Using our pre-existing filters you can filter by:

  • Monthly Salary: You can select your targeted range using the slider.
  • Specialization: Such as GP, Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Nursing, Researcher, Non-clinician and many more!
  • Company Type: Whether the employer is a public hospital, private hospital, clinic, pharmaceutical company, university or other.
  • Location: Choose the province/state that is convenient for you.

You can learn more about the companies you are applying to by clicking on the ‘View Company Profile’ link on the job post page. Here you will be able to see a description of the company, as well as other job posts from the same employer. Alternatively, if you would filter by companies you can navigate to the Companies page and search for companies or filter by their type and location.

Applying for a job on Doctor Jobs Today is easy! We have ensured that the process to apply is frictionless and efficient.

  • Step 1: Sign Up
  • Step 2: Set Up your profile
  • Step 3: Upload your resume
    • This can always be changed!
  • Step 4: Browse for a job that suits your career aspirations
  • Step 5: Apply!
    • You can select to use your pre-uploaded CV (Resume) or upload a new one that’s more relevant for your selected position.
    • Fill up a cover letter or introductory message for the employers to stand out from other applicants.

Doctor Jobs Today only shares the data you are comfortable sharing with employers. To support your application, we provide the CV you uploaded, your name, contact details, gender and your currently held position to help you stand out amongst other applicants.

For Employers

Doctor Jobs Today is for employers within the Healthcare industry within South East Asia. Whether you are a hospital, pharmaceutical company or a Health-Tech start up looking for Healthcare professionals with medical training, we deliver a platform with a reach of close to 300,000 medical doctors across the South East Asia region.

Posting a job has never been easier!

  • Step 1: Sign up
  • Step 2: Fill in your company details
    • These details are saved and appear on your company profile in addition to getting automatically populated whenever you post a job.
  • Step 3: Fill in a form to submit a job.
    • Populate all the relevant details for a specific job. For the best candidate experience, we strongly recommend filling up the details accurately. A few sections that can help your job post stand out are:
      • Job Summary: This field is visible to candidates when they search for a job, as such, it is a powerful tool to market your job vacancy to doctors. We recommend populating this section with a few stand out details about the job, your company, and its benefits.
      • Specialization: Selecting the right specialization this job is looking for is essential in attracting the most relevant candidates.
  • Step 4: Wait for approval
    • Our team manually reviews every job post to ensure it meets the standards of a portal advertising jobs for physicians. Once your job has been accepted the status for this job will change to ‘approved’, and the job will be visible on the jobs list.
  • Step 5: Track job views, and make changes
    • Upon posting your job you can visit your dashboard to track how many users are viewing your job post. You will automatically receive job alerts upon receiving an application. If you feel that your job is not performing as well as you would like, you can edit your job post to try to optimize the content to better attract candidates.

By signing up, we are able to ensure that employers receive the best experience recruiting for healthcare professionals. By signing up we can automatically pull your company details to go along with your job post, which removes the need to enter the same information on every job post. Additionally, by having employers create an account we are able to deliver tools such as analytics and a dashboard to manage your jobs, applicants and brand image!

There are multiple options available on your applicants dashboard to help better organize your future employees.

  • All applicants are automatically categorized by the job they applied for, and their contact details are readily available for follow up actions on your end.
  • You can download applicant CVs.
  • You can also “Approve” and “Reject” applicants, which in turn moves them to individual lists for easier tracking.