Spinalogic Wellness
Our Spinalogic SMAART Technique is for everyone from newborns to elderly patients. If you’ve noticed your posture has started to change – uneven shoulders, forward head posture from slumping over a desk. Or if you see your sleeping habits have changed and your energy levels have dropped, Or your back has become stiff and less mobile. Or there have been some aches and pains that seem to persist. We can assist you in becoming the best version of yourself.
Founded ten years ago by a Chiropractor. This system was developed for the treatment of Spinal problems and has become a widely used approach in Indonesia as a complement to Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Physiotherapy.
We have developed a new and highly effective technique for the treatment of spinal pain and postural problems – Spinal Manipulative Articular Release Therapy (SMAART). Our method achieves the best results through the combination of Manual Therapy and Spinal Stabilization Techniques.