National Heart Institute (NHI) is dedicated to being a global center of excellence in integrated cardiovascular and thoracic care. Our commitment to professionalism, teamwork, quality, innovation, caring, and unwavering dedication drives our mission to provide the safest and highest quality patient services. As a corporate entity, NHI emphasizes delivering an exceptional patient experience, fostering transformation through technology and innovation, empowering talents for organizational growth, and ensuring financial self-sustainability.
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Life at National Heart Institute
Company Vision
To be a global center of excellence in integrated cardiovascular and thoracic care, embodying values of professionalism, teamwork, quality, commitment, caring, and innovation.
Company Mission
Committed to providing the best patient services with the safest and highest quality care. NHI, as a corporate entity, aims to drive transformation, technology, and innovation through training, research, and development. We are dedicated to developing talents, enhancing organizational growth, and maintaining financial self-sustainability
Patient Insight
Age Distribution
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Common Conditions
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Peak Times
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Insurance Coverage
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