Explanation of each filter: location, specialty, job type, etc.

To view the full list of jobs available on Docquity Jobs you can visit our Job List [link]. To make the most of your experience on Docquity Jobs, you can filter for the type of opportunity you are looking for by using the filters on the job list found on the left hand side of your screen on Desktop, or by clicking on “Show Sidebar” on mobile. The filters available on Docquity Jobs are:

– Keywords: For example the job title you are looking for (Medical officer, Pediatric Consultant etc.)
– Specialization: The specialty you would like to view job openings for, including GPs and Dentists.
– Company Type: Which type of company you would like to see openings for I.e. Private Hospital, Clinic and more.
– Salary: Select a Salary range you are comfortable with. Please note, not all employers provide a salary range for their jobs. Applying one will mean you will not see the jobs from employers that have not provided a salary range for their jobs.
– Location: The location where this job is for.

You can mix and match these filters to find the perfect job for your needs.

Saving Jobs

To save a job so that you can apply to it later, you can click on the “Shortlist Job” Icon (looks like a bookmark) next to the “Apply” button after you click to view the job details of a job you like.

Your shortlisted jobs can be found later in your profile under “Jobs” and “Shortlisted Jobs”.

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