Health Metrics, Inc. is a Philippines-based healthcare IT company that specializes in developing and implementing health information systems. The company focuses on providing innovative and efficient healthcare solutions to improve patient care and services. They offer a range of products including electronic medical records, clinic management systems, and hospital information systems.
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Life at Health Metrics, Inc.
Company Vision
To be the primary mover of the working men and women who move the world, be it at home or abroad, on land, sea, or air by providing excellent occupational health services & continuing preventive health care through its world-class team of competent and compassionate medical service professionals.
Company Mission
In full compliance with all medical guidelines and regulations set by national and international certifying bodies, we are committed to provide complete, comprehensive and excellent medical services that will ensure fitness to work on-board or on the workplace and even outside the workplace. We accomplish this with compassion and sensitivity to our clients’ needs so that we can have shared responsibility of maintaining individual health, that then ensures community health which is a vital foothold in nation building.
Patient Insight
Age Distribution
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Common Conditions
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Peak Times
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Insurance Coverage
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