Metro Psych Facility and Roads and Bridges to Recovery Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation center is a leader in providing quality mental health services in the country. They offer services that fully understand and adequately respond to the biopsychosocial needs of clients, family, and community. They also provide training programs for health workers, clients, family and community, and foster an environment conducive to relevant research activities and mental health advocacy.
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Life at Metro Psych Facility
Company Vision
To be a leader in setting the standard in the provision of quality mental health services in the country.
Company Mission
Metro Psych Facility and Roads and Bridges to Recovery Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation center shall be a leader in setting the standard in the provision of quality mental health services in the country. We shall provide:
Services that fully understand and adequately respond to the biopsychosocial needs of the clients, family, and community.
Training activities and programs for health workers, clients, family and community.
An environment conducive to relevant research activities and mental health advocacy
Patient Insight
Age Distribution
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Common Conditions
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Peak Times
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Insurance Coverage
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