SEATRIC Medical Clinic Corp is a leading healthcare provider based in Manila. The clinic is accredited by the Department of Health (DOH), Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), TESDA, PRC, DOLE, and POEA. They are committed to providing excellent health care services to their patients.
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Life at Seatric Medical Clinic Corp
Company Vision
Since the clinic was established, its vision, to be the number one Filipino Medical Clinic which will cater Filipino overseas both land based and sea based worker and also the general public.
Company Mission
SMCC’s mission of being an employee of the overseas contract worker is fully aware of the necessary medical assistance, urgency of services and other requirements specific to recruitment and placement agencies due to its member company. And to provide the specialized medical services it could offer to meet these outstanding needs.
Patient Insight
Age Distribution
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Common Conditions
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Peak Times
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Insurance Coverage
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