Saint Paul’s Hospital Iloilo is a tertiary level training general hospital located in the heart of Iloilo city. It is managed and owned by the Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres. The hospital has a capacity of 265 beds and is known for its quality services, qualified medical staff, skilled personnel, and a clean hospital environment. The hospital integrates spiritual care, reconciliation, and healing through holistic care of patients.
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Life at St. Paul's Hospital Iloilo
Company Vision
We envision St. Paul’s Hospital of Iloilo, Inc. as a Christ centered,excellent, innovative, global healthcare and training hospital.
Company Mission
We commit ourselves to:
Offer Christ-centered excellent healthcare upholding the bioethical principles and the teaching of the Catholic church;
Innovate & develop competencies of health care professionals through continuing relevant training and research programs;
Continually implement and sustain operational and financial sustainability through Christian stewardship & good governance.
Patient Insight
Age Distribution
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Common Conditions
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Peak Times
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Insurance Coverage
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