Changing Your Password

To change your password, navigate to your profile. In the side bar you will see “Settings”, click on this button and you will be presented with the option change your profile under “Change Password”.

Managing Team Access and Permissions

To share your access with other members of your team, we reccomend creating a password that can be shared with your colleagues. Docquity Jobs currently doesn’t support the functionality for multiple users on the same account.

To ensure that all members of your team are able to receive the notifications for Docquity jobs, we recommend setting up auto-forwarding on your email. You can find details on how to do that here.

Deleting Your Account

We are sorry to see you go! To delete your account navigate to your profile. In the side bar you will see “Settings”, click on this button and you will be presented with the option to delete your profile under “Delete Profile”.

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