Editing or Closing Listings

To edit or close your job listings you first need to navigate to your profile. In the sidebar click on “Jobs” and then click on “My Jobs”. Here you will see a full list of all of your posted jobs. You can filter sort your jobs by the time that they were posted or search for the one you are looking to modify.

In order to edit your job description click on the “Edit” option which looks like a pencil and a notepad. This will take you back to the same edit form that you used when you first posted the job. To delete your job post click on “Delete” button that is indicated with an X.

Monitoring Applicant Flow and Managing Next Steps

In your profile dashboard (the first page you see after clicking on “Profile”) you can see analytics around your job posts. You can use the dropdown below the chart to filter this traffic by the jobs you have posted to see the popularity of your job post as well as a trend of how many candidates have viewed this job post over time.

To view and manage all the applicants you have received for your job applications, you can navigate to your profile and click on the “Applicants” button in the sidebar. Here you will see a list of all the applications you have received categorized by the different jobs you have posted.

The information that’s included as a part of the candidate’s application is their Gender, their email address as well as the date that they applied. You can also click on the various dropdowns to get more information. “Resume & Attachments” will allow you to download the candidate’s CV, as well as other documents such as their medical license, and other certifications. Clicking on the “Message form Applicant” will allow you to see a short message that the applicant has included together with their application.

To contact the candidate you can click on the “Contact” button which will help you directly get in touch with the applicant via WhatsApp or Viber. You can also click on the “Download CV” button to download the candidates CV.

We also provide various tools to manage your lists of applicants. You can select to sort your applicants in 3 different lists – Approved, Rejected and Hired. If you would like to proceed to interview the candidate you can tag them as “Approved”, if you would like to not proceed you can tag them as “Rejected” and if they are hired, you can tag them as “Hired”.

You can sort applicants into these lists by clicking on the relevant buttons on the applicant card, the “Check” for approve, the “X” for reject and the handshake for hired. To view all the applicants within each list you can click on the relevant tab at the top of the applicant list. Regardless of which option you select, including “reject” the applicants details and CVs will remain on the platform for you to refer to later.

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